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athletes, among our nation’s best and brightest, put off their future
        professional and career goals in pursuit of their dreams.  Our athletes
        live in very modest apartments, or with host families, as it is virtually
        impossible to pursue productive work while they train full time.

        Further,  each time we have attended an international regatta, we
        have reflected upon the tremendous planning, logistics, and resources
        necessary to get our athletes housed, fed, and transported around the
        world for weeks at a time.  They can’t drive their boats on the trailer
        from the Princeton Training Center to Rio!

        While  our Team USA has had remarkable successes, it also faces
        ongoing challenges in terms of financial support.  Unlike other
        successful rowing nations around theworld, our National Team operates
        on a shoestring budget that is literally a small fraction of other national
        teams.  This often comes as a big surprise to many supporters of
        American rowing.  We’ve all heard the expression that America doesn’t
        send its athletes to the Olympics, Americans do.  This is all the more
        true for rowing, which is not as high profile as some other sports that
        are popular on TV.

        Our family is an all in rowing family, and our lives have been greatly
        enriched by our invo lvement with the sport.  We know that there
        are many others like us out there who love the sport, and who are
        very involved coordinating rowing activities in your home clubs.  The
        National Rowing Foundation needs your support.

        If  everyone who ever held an oar in our country could make a donation
        to the NRF every year, the cause for American rowing at the highest
        levels would be so far advanced.   Won’t you do your part to help our
        National Team athletes, and their dedicated coaches and support staff,
        achieve on the racecourse at the highest levels?  They need our help!

        Greg and Barbara Hack

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